第3章 (第3/3页)
In the unit mastery system, lectures may be optional or given as special features, with the grade dependent
solely on completion of all quizzes at or beyond the mastery level. The major features of this system are:
. Students progress through course assignments at their own pace.
. Instead of mass testing at prefixed lecture times, each student comes to a testing center
whenever he or she is ready to take a particular exam.
. The testing center is run by student proctors, staff personnel, or the instructor.
. Tests failed may be repeated without penalty on parallel forms after a suitable time for restudy.
Feedback on test performance is immediate, private, and personalized from proctor to student
. Testing and grading are physically and psychologically separated from the lecturer and lecture
setting, with the advantage of more positive attitudes toward the teacher. A unit mastery system
takes considerable effort to set up, but once you have done so you are freed from all chores
related to testing and evaluation. Since each student progresses at an individual rate in taking
the chapter quizzes, you are also liberated from having to teach a specified amount of material
before each preestablished examination date, as occurs with traditional evaluation systems.
Hobbs, S. H. (1987). PSI: Use, misuse, and abuse. Teaching of psychology, 14, 106-107.
Keller, Fred A., & Sherman, J. Gilmour. (1974). The Keller plan handbook: Essays on a personalized
system of instruction. Menlo Park, CA: W. A. Benjamin.
Your decisions about teaching methods and your experiences will shape your unique style of teaching.
Regardless of what that style is now or may become, some elements are common to all effective teaching
styles. Here are several of those elements:
. At the beginning of class, review briefly what you talked about the last time the class met. Ask if
there are any questions about previous material. Next, let the students know what your goals
are for today. What you want them to get from today’s lecture?