第24章 (第1/3页)
3. John Dewey, an American philosopher, founded the school of functionalism,
which led to many advances in education.
4. The Legacy of Structuralism and Functionalism: Both live on. Today
psychologists employ a variety of methods to study both the structure and the
function of mental life and behavior.
E. Current Psychological Perspectives
1. Contemporary psychology is dominated by seven perspectives or conceptual
approaches: Biological, Psychodynamic, Behavioristic, Humanistic, Cognitive,
Evolutionary, and Cultural. Each of these approaches espouses points of view
and sets of assumptions that influence both what will be studied and how it
will be investigated. Most psychologists blend and borrow from several of
these perspectives. At the end of the description of each perspectives is an
analysis of that approach to understanding the causes of aggression.
2. Biological Perspective: The biological perspective attempts to explain behavior
in terms of the influence of genes, the brain, the nervous system, and the
endocrine system by examining underlying physical structures and processes
a) From the biological perspective, even the most complex behavior can
be understood by decomposing the behavior into smaller units, such
as the firing of neurons in the brain
b) A unifying theme for biological researchers is that, although the
environment and experience can modify behavior by altering
underlying biological structures and processes, behavior originates
from biological forces
c) How biological psychologists study aggression: By examining the
genetic and biochemical bases of aggressive behavior in both normal
individuals and abnormal individuals prone to aggression
3. Psychodynamic Perspective: The psychodynamic perspective holds that
behavior is determined by powerful inner forces, such as instincts and
biological drives, and by attempts to resolve conflicts between personal needs
and society’s demands. The purpose of behavior, according to this view, is to
reduce tension.
a) Psychodynamic principles of motivation originated with Sigmund
Freud, a Viennese physician, and his work with mentally disturbed
patients. Freud’s ideas have had a greater influence on more areas of
psychology than any other person has.
b) Freud emphasized the primacy of early childhood in mental
development, but more recent psychodynamic psychologists have
broadened Freud’s theory to include social influences and interactions
that occur over the individual’s lifetime
c) How psychodynamic psychologists study aggression: By examining
the unconscious drives and conflicts that are expressed in aggress