第29章 (第1/3页)
If we again consider throwing darts, validity
would be measured by how closely the darts came to the spot that the thrower
wanted to hit. If you wanted all of your darts to hit the bull’s-eye and they did,
your throws would have been both valid (they hit the intended mark) and
reliable (all of them hit the same mark).
B. Self-Report Measures
1. Self-report measures are written or spoken responses to questions posed by the
a) A questionnaire is a self-report measure on which a respondent replies
to a written list of questions
b) Questions on self-report measures may be open-ended, which allow
respondents to answer freely in their own words, or forced choice,
which provide respondents with a number of alternatives, such as
“yes,” “no,” and “undecided,” from which to choose.
c) An interview is an interactive dialogue between a researcher and an
individual for obtaining detailed information. Good interviewers
establish positive rapport with interviewees, which facilitates self-
disclosure and responses that are more honest.
C. Behavioral Measures and Observations
1. Behavioral measures and observations are ways to study overt actions and
observable, recordable reactions
a) Planned, controlled, systematic observation is an important source of
behavioral data
b) Direct observation involves observation of behavior that is clearly
visible and easily recorded
c) Naturalistic observation occurs in a natural setting, such as the
playground or in the wild, rather than in an artificial, highly contrived
laboratory setting
2. Case study research focuses on a single individual rather than on large
numbers of participants.
IV. Ethical Issues in Human and Animal Research
A. At the core of the ethical treatment of both humans and animals is the question of whether the
potential gains from the proposed research outweigh the expected or potential costs. Colleges have
established review boards to help researchers make this decision, and the American Psychological
Association (APA) has established guidelines to ensure that research is conducted ethically. For
humans, these guidelines include the following:
B. Informed Consent
1. Whenever possible, participants must be informed about th