第47章 (第2/3页)
m that contained no items of interest to the child. He was told only that he
could not stay with the others if he fought or disobeyed. He was put in the time-out room,
without conversation or further explanation, for a two-minute period (or two minutes from
the end of his last cry or tantrum). This punishment involved the negative stimulus of loss
of opportunity for stimulation. It could be removed by behaving in socially acceptable
ways. When the time was up, Timmy was taken back to his regular activities without
comment on the previous episode.
Extinction: Less serious forms of undesirable behavior were ignored so that they would
have no reinforcing consequences.
Positive Reinforcement: Desirable behaviors such as cooperative play and following
instructions were directly praised, and at the end of some periods of desirable play Timmy
got a special treat.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of mother as behavior therapist, the psychologists first observed
Timmy’s behavior for a baseline period, and then instructed Mrs. B. to carry out her behavioral
contingency management program. This sequence was then repeated. Timmy’s aggressive and