第102章 (第1/3页)
Freud thought that neuroses served a purpose for the patient. The ego uses abnormal thinking
and behavior as a means of protecting itself from impulses of the id and unconscious conflicts.
Behaviorists admit that mental disorders can have advantages. They can make it possible for
people to avoid unwanted responsibilities, to excuse failure, and to manipulate others. Therefore,
the willing patient may have a conflict. In order to be relieved of the pain and misery associated
with the disorder, the advantages gained from it must be sacrificed. Take the addict as an
example. The addiction causes problems, and even physical pain, yet the person may feel that life
would be unbearable without the addictive substance. In the case of anxiety disorders, the
conflict is not so clearly perceived by the patient, who would generally deny getting any rewards
(secondary gains) from holding on to the disorder.
Many disorders develop over a period of years, sometimes beginning in childhood. Patterns of
abnormal or maladaptive thoughts and behaviors become an integral part of the personality,
affecting the person’s view of reality and all his or her patterns of thought and behavior. Freud
believed that restructuring of the personality was a necessity in successful therapy. This idea was
that once the offending conflict or problem was identified, the person would need to rethink and
reconstruct other aspects of the self that developed,