第104章 (第2/3页)
nsequences of a race of people who were not “social animals,” who
were shy and fearful of all people and preferred to be in isolation?
5. Should parents of seventh and eighth graders try to help their children resist the norms of a
peer-group drug culture? If so, how? What other adolescent, and adult, behaviors are
subject to peer influence? Is this influence harmful or not? 6. What activities would
you arrange for your children if you wanted them to be very social, outgoing extroverts, or
the opposite, social introverts?
6. Ask the class how they might use the cognitive dissonance principle that “changing behavior
changes attitudes” to design programs for:
. Increasing a person’s low self-esteem
. Modifying a deprecatory attitude toward student protesters
. Decreasing a racial prejudice in schoolchildren
Now reverse the process and design new programs using the principle that “changing
attitudes changes behaviors” for the same problems. Which principle do you think the class
will be more successful using? Why?
Cognitive Dissonance
A high school girl believed the use of drugs to be physically harmful and morally wrong. She
was invited to a party given by a group from her class that she admired. Other people at the
party were using cocaine and drinking wine and, because she wanted to be accepted by the
group, she decid