第111章 (第3/3页)
the units for the lecture
course. When the sections are organized around research projects, the grade is based on general class
performance and attendance, not on any exams. We have found that making sections optional, instead of
required, decreases the number of unmotivated students who register for them.
Social Perception (First class “icebreaker”) Impression Management and Formation
Sensory Perception Coping with Being Temporarily Blind
Methodology Reaction Times Can Be Revealing
Conditioning Salivating for Pavlov
Memory and Cognition Strategies for Enhancing Memory
Motivation and Assessment Detecting Guilt and Deception
Psychopathology Suicide: Intentions and Acts
Ethics and Research Evaluation and Research Ethics
Psychotherapy Clinical Interventions
Both graduate and undergraduate student TAs report that being able to use this set of materials had many
benefits. Among them they noted: lessening of anxiety at the start of their teaching experience, increased
confidence in presenting a variety of topics and approaches, and saved preparation time. Use of these
materials enabled TAs to perform different functions across a set of activities and generally created a
positive feeling among their students that something worthwhile was happening in the discussion sections.
1. To acquaint class members with one another and to provide a first-session “icebreaker” to get
students talking.
2. To stimulate discussion about how people form impressions about others and how they manage
the impressions others will form about them.
3. To examine how people’s beliefs influence their social judgments.
4. To demonstrate how interesting questions can be studied experimentally and how subjects’
responses can be quantified and analyzed.
In the short time that the class has assembled, it is likely that two processes have been going on: impression
management and impression formation. Impression management is a complex set of verbal and nonverbal
behaviors that a person engages in with the intent to appear in a desired way. Impression formation is the
process of making judgments about the attributes of other people. In this section, we will do the following:
1. Begin by going around the room and having the students introduce themselves by answering the
question, “Who Am I?”