第27章 (第1/3页)
our most wench-ridden royal product.'
'Edward IV. Yes, I know. A six-foot hunk of male beauty. Perhaps Richard suffered from a resentment at the contrast. And that accounts for his willingness to blot out his brother's seed.'
This was something that Grant had not thought of. 'You're suggesting that Richard had a suppressed hate for his brother?'
'Why suppressed?'
'Because even his worst detractors admit that he was devoted to Edward. They were together in everything from the time that Richard was twelve or thirteen. The other brother was no good to anyone. George.'
'Who was George?'
'The Duke of Clarence.'
'Oh. Him! Butt-of-malmsey Clarence.'
'That's the one. So there were just the two of them -Edward and Richard I mean. And there was a ten-year gap in their ages. Just the right difference for hero-worship.'
'If I were a hunchback,' young Carradine said musingly, 'I sure would hate a brother who took my credit and my women, and my place in the sun.'
'It's possible,' Grant said after an interval. 'It's the best 'explanation I've come on so far.'
'It mightn't have been an overt thing at all, you know. It mightn't have even been a conscious thing. It may just have all boiled up in him when he saw the c