第30章 (第1/3页)
' Grant considered this with interest. 'You mean it was More's own manuscript copy?'
'Yes. In his own writing. Made when he was about thirty-five. In those days, before printing was general, manuscript copies of books were the usual thing.'
'Yes. So, if the information came from John Morton, as it did, it is just as likely that the thing was written by Morton.'
'Which would certainly account for the - the lack of sensibility. A climber like Morton wouldn't be at all abashed by back-stairs gossip. Do you know about Morton?'
'He was a lawyer turned churchman, and the greatest pluralist on record. He chose the Lancastrian side and stayed with it until it was clear that Edward IV was home and dried. Then he made his peace with the York side and Edward made him Bishop of Ely. And vicar of God knows how many parishes besides. But after Richard's accession he backed first the Woodvilles and then Henry Tudor and ended up with a cardinal's bat as Henry VII's Archbishop of ? '
Wait a minute!' said the boy, amused. 'Of course I know Morton. He was Morton of "Morton's Fork". "You can't be spending much so how about something for the King; you're spending such a lot you must be very rich so how about something for the