第40章 (第3/3页)
ers existing today is about her. About Jane Shore.'
'What about her?'
'His Solicitor-General wanted to marry her; when he was King, I mean.'
'And he agreed?'
'He agreed. It's a lovely letter. More in sorrow than in anger - with a kind of twinkle in it.'
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!
'That's it exactly.'
'No vindictiveness there, either, it seems.'
'No. Quite the opposite. You know, I know it isn't my business to think or draw deductions - I'm just the Research Worker - but it does strike me that Richard's ambition was to put an end to the York-Lancaster fight once and for all.'
'What makes you think that?'
'Well, rye been looking at his coronation lists. It was the best-attended coronation on record, incidentally. You can't help being struck by the fact that practically nobody stayed away. Lancaster or York.'
'Including the weather-cock Stanley, I suppose.'
'I suppose so. I don't know them well enough to remember them individually.'
'Perhaps you're right about his wanting a final end to the York-Lancaster feud. Perhaps his lenience with Stanley was due to that very thing.'
'Was Stanley a Lancastrian, then?