第58章 (第2/3页)
word. It's beautiful, perfectly-holy beautiful.'
'I think you have been drinking.'
'I couldn't drink this morning if I tried. I'm bung full, full up to the gullet's edge, with satisfaction.'
'I take it you found that break in the pattern we were looking for.'
'Yes, I found it, but it was later than we had thought. Later in time, I mean. Further on. In the first months everyone did what you would expect them to do. Henry took over-not a word about the boys-and cleaned up, got married to the boys' sister. Got his own attainder reversed by a parliament of his own attainted followers -no mention of the boys-and got an act of attainder through against Richard and his loyal subjects whose service was so neatly made treason by that one day's ante-dating. That brought a fine heap of forfeited estates into the kitty in one go. The Croyland monk was terribly scandalised, by the way, at Henry's sharp practice in the matter of treason. "O God," he says, "what security are our kings to have henceforth in the day of battle if their loyal followers may in defeat be deprived of life, fortune, and inheritance ".'
'He reckoned without his countrymen.'
'Yes. He might have known that the English would get round to that matter sooner