第43章 (第3/3页)
15 事实上,这句话是断章取义,原话应该是:天才就是99%的汗水再加1%的灵感,但这1%的灵感远远比99%的汗水重要。甚至有人怀疑,爱迪生到底有没有说过这句话……
16 奈特就是那个早在 1923年就指出所谓“市场有效性”是个无用的、臆造的概念的那个经济学家。“… ownership of personal or material productive capacity is based upon a complex mixture of inheritance, luck and effort, probably in that order of relative importance” (Knight, 1923).
17 关于这个调查的出处,我已经找不到了。有趣的是,在整理这本书稿的时候,正好看到刚刚发行的电影《美国黑帮》(American Gangster),其中罗素·克劳扮演的“Richie”在对白中就提到这件事。
18 Cherry, E. C. (1953) Some experiments on the recognition of speech, with one and with two ears. Journal of Acoustical Society of America 25(5), 975-979.
19 http://dv.ouou.com/play/v_38d7f4baf30ff.html
20 他还写过另外一本有趣的书,Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking
21 The Road Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck
22 Henri Poincaré,1854 - 1912
23 Edward Lorenz ,born May 23, 1917
24 Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do. - Bertrand Russell
25 We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein