第7章 (第2/3页)
s, outside noises) and internal
distractions (hunger, fatigue from late-night parties or athletic practice, distress over an exam failed during
the preceding class period, sexual daydreams whose fantasy is much more stimulating than any lecture).
This fierce competition means that at any given time many students are unaware of the important things
you have said. (Try collecting a sample of your students’ notes from time to time to see how much of your
output was never received or was grossly distorted.)
Audience distractions may be minimized in several ways:
. Timing: Hold your main points to about 5 minutes each (never more than 10 minutes) and
insert a bit of humor, an anecdote, or an opportunity for a few questions into the transition
period preceding the next main point. An outline on the board or a mimeographed outline is
beneficial in keeping the students–and yourself–on track.
. Variety: Use catchy stylistic devices (stories, clever brief demonstrations) and change your
expressive style (volume, pacing, pregnant pauses) to add variety to the rather narrow band of
stimuli involved in straight talk. Although you have written out your lecture, do not read it!
. Mini-climaxes: Draw your information together at several points throughout the lecture,
reemphasizing relevant ideas and conceptual ties and providing those students who may have
“zoned o