第10章 (第3/3页)
ing with a friend by exchanging papers. Use vigilant proctoring, watching for
students to exchange papers by passing them under the seats.
. Getting a copy of the test before it is given. Keep tests in a securely locked cabinet or file drawer.
Be sure stencils or discarded pages are not left in a wastebasket that is accessible to students.
. Failure to hand in the test and answer sheet and claiming absence on the day of the test. Have
students sign an attendance sheet as they enter the classroom.
. Getting someone else to take the test. Most campuses that have classes large enough for this to
be a problem issue identification cards with pictures. Have students bring their cards to class
and show them as they hand in their tests.
. Surreptitious use of notes. Have students put all books and papers under their seats and leave
them there until they are ready to hand in their papers and leave. Another solution is to make
the notes legitimate—allow students to bring to an exam one page of notebook paper with
anything they want written on it. This legitimate pony has value in that preparing it is a type of
active study and because clutching their pony tends to reduce anxiety for students who panic
on test day.
How will I provide feedback to students after tests?