第34章 (第1/3页)
How would we know that they
existed? How might humans develop devices, such as binoculars, night-vision scopes, and
hearing aids, which allow us to experience these senses?
2. How similar are sensory experiences between people? Do all individuals experience the
color “blue” the same? How would we know if we did not, and would it matter?
3. Have the class think of real-life examples of dichotic listening. Is this a phenomenon with
which they are familiar and of which they have a basic understanding?
4. Discuss attention from the perspectives of its being goal-directed or stimulus-driven
perception. Generally speaking, do more students seem to be goal-directed attendees or
stimulus-driven perceivers? What might contribute to this phenomenon?
5. Discuss the premises of Gestalt psychology with the class. Point out that Kurt Lewin’s
Field Theory was a result of the Gestalt movement. What other theoretical constructions
might have a relationship to the Gestalt movement?
6. Discuss the wide variance that exists among people in their sensitivity to pain. The
sensation of pain is a complex process involving multiple nerve pathways. But to some
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