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iversity, where he was department head from 1922 to 1942.
Terman was responsible for revising the Binet-Simon intelligence scale in 1916, leading to
subsequent development of the U.S. Army tests used during World War I. Additionally, Terman
carried out an extensive longitudinal study of intellectually gifted children, published in five
volumes from 1925 to 1959, the final volume appearing posthumously, He was president of the
American Psychological Association in 1923.
Sir Francis Galton (1822—1911)
Francis Galton, the intellectually curious cousin of Charles Darwin, reportedly read Shakespeare
for pleasure at age seven and, by modern estimates, would have received an IQ score of
approximately 200 on a standard intelligence test. Galton’s genius knew few boundaries. He wrote
an unequalled guide for explorers of wild lands, studied boredom at scientific meetings, and
mapped out the locales in Great Britain boasting the most beautiful women.
Yea Event
1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of the Species by a Means of Natural
1869 Sir Francis Galton published Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into its Laws and
Consequences, in which he attempted to show that intelligence is an inherited
1904 Charles Spearman published General Intelligence Objectively Determined and
Measured, offering his view on general intelligence, or “g”.
1905 Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed the first useful intelligence test.
1917 The Bolshevik revolution occurred in Russia.
World War I was fought.
1916 Lewis Terman, though not the first to do so, published an English translation of
Binet’s test; Terman’s translation had the advantage of using the concept of the
intelligence quotient (IQ).
1929 The Great Depression began in America.
1938 Louis Thurstone published his monograph on the seven primary mental abilities.
1939 David Wechsler published The Measurement of Adult Intelligence, introducing his
family of intelligence tests. Unlike the Stanford-Binet, Wechsler’s tests
emphasized both verbal intelligence and performance.
World War II was fought.
1969 Arthur Jensen published How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?