第88章 (第2/3页)
If you are planning a lecture on environmental psychology, this videotape provides a humorous view of the
urban environment and how people make use of a city. A NOVA presentation.
Health, Stress, and Coping (1990). Insight Media, 30 minutes
Explores a variety of stressors including daily stress, loss of a love relationship, and posttraumatic stress
disorder. Includes information on Norman Cousins and the work of Hans Selye.
Learning to Live with Stress: Programming the Body for Health (1976). DOCA, 20 minutes
Doctors Hans Selye and Herbert Benson discuss the study of stress and its effects on the human brain and
body. Describes how stress contributes to psychosomatic illnesses, such as heart problems, hypertension,
high blood pressure, and ulcers.
Understanding Human Personality
On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:
1. Describe the constructs of personality and self
2. Identify the various sources of data on personality
3. Differentiate between type and trait theories of personality
4. Define traits, as operationalized by Allport
5. Explain the five-factor model of personality
6. Understand the significance of the consistency paradox
7. Describe the major theories of personality and identify important differences between them
8. Explain the criticism of each theory of personality
9. Explain the significance of the reciprocal relationship between self-esteem and self-
I. Definitions
A. Personality is the complex set of unique psychological qualities that influence an
individual’s characteristic patterns of behavior, across different situations and over time.
B. Core aspect of the self is the subjective, private aspect of personality that gives coherence
and order to behavior.
II.Type and Trait Personality Theories
A. Categorizing by Types. Some personality theories group people into distinct
nonoverlapping categories that are called personality types
1. One early type theory proposed by Hippocrates, positing humors
associated with particular temperaments
a) Blood: Sanguine temperament, cheerful and active
b) Phlegm: Phlegmatic temperament, apathetic and sluggish
c) Black bile: Melancholy temperament, sad and brooding
d) Yellow bile: Choleric temperament, irritable and excitable
2. Sheldon related physique to temperament, assigning people to one of
three categories, based on body build
a) Endomorphic: Fat, soft, round
b) Mesomorphic: Muscular, rectangular, strong
c) Ectomorphic: Thin, long, fragile
3. Sulloway proposed a theory of personality based on birth order
a) Each child fills a niche within the family
b) Firstborn children fill the most convenient nich