第118章 (第2/3页)
r of operations in algebra: “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.” (Parenthesis,
Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction)
Pi to fourteen decimal places (the number of letters in each word of the mnemonic):
“Now, Dot, I find I still determine to suffer fools who laugh whenever grandpa
insults grandma.” 3.14159265358979
In this experiment, students will test the validity of the assertion that memory can be enhanced through
learning with the narrative chaining mnemonic method supplemented by a procedure that involves greater
depth of processing to overcome a distractor. In addition, there will be a delayed recognition test (as in
multiple-choice exams) to examine the effects of the independent variables on each of three dependent
1. Word lists are composed of simple nouns high in imagery and concreteness. There are two practice
lists and 10 experimental lists, each containing five words.
2. Timing:
. 10 seconds for presentation of list
. 15-second wait before writing remembered words–this time is filled with either repetition of
words or “distraction” task of saying “Hello.”
. 15 seconds time to write remembered words
. 5–10–minute delay between completion of the last immediate recall list and the start of the first
delayed recall
. 5–minute wait for the delayed recall (or less if students raise their hands when they cannot
recall any more words); fill time with information about memory processes
. 2-4 minutes for recognition test.
3. Presentation of word list