第119章 (第1/3页)
1. Instructions.
2. Word lists: 2 practice, 10 experimental. Instructors should tape-record the lists and write each list (
5 words each) on file folders; also write REPEAT and HELLO on file folders.
3. Immediate and delayed recall test forms for students, along with recognition test.
4. Answer keys for immediate and delayed recall, and recognition test (also in student Study Guide).
Warn against looking ahead.
5. Data tabulation sheet.
Ten or more subjects would be ideal, but the demonstration is possible with as few as six students. Each
student can participate as a subject, so the entire class is involved.
Time Required for Research
20 minutes for data collection; 10 minutes for data analysis.
Time Required for Discussion
10–20 minutes.
1. In this memory task you will listen and see lists of words that you are to remember. Each list will
have five words; there will be two practice trials and 10 test trials.
2. The word lists will be read aloud (on tape) slowly, and I will hold them up for you to see. You will
wait 15 seconds until writing down as many as you can remember from each list. You will have to
hold those five words in memory for 15 seconds before writing them down on the Recall Test
Answer sheets.
3. During the 15-second interval, there will be an experimental variation that takes place, not between
subjects but within subjects. Each of you will be his or her own control as we take repeated
measures on you across both conditions. In the repeat condition, you are to repeat over and over the 5
words in a soft, but audible, voice and to think of nothing else but the individual words. In the Hello
condition, you are to say “Hello” over and over in the same soft, but audible, voice during the 15
seconds. The Hello condition poses a distraction to rehearsal. To give it a little boost so it will not be
at a total disadvantage to the Repeat condition, make up a story that links the five words in a list.
This is called “narrative chaining,” in which unrelated words are chained to form a narration.
Make the story vivid and bizarre if you can. You can form your narrative as soon as the list is
presented and/or silently to yourself while you are saying “Hello” aloud.
4. Now let us have two practice trials. I will hold up the condition cue first, then present the five
words. After the last word, you repeat the five words aloud. Now start. (Word list read/shown; 15
seconds for rehearsal.) Stop! Write on your Recall Test Answer sheet the words you recall. (Be sure
each student is reciting aloud.) Now, the Hello practice trial (as before).
5. We are ready for the test trials. The Repeat and Hello trials will be alternated, with Repeat coming
on trials 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, and Hello on trials 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Before each list I will hold up either
the Repeat or Hello card and you recite the 5 words or say Hello as often as you can during the 15
seconds before writing down as many words as you can remember on the form in your workbook.
6. (After the last list, have students turn their tally sheet over while you fill the 5-10 minute delay
interval with talk about mnemonics, memory enhancements, or information processing models of
7. OK, now let us assess your delayed recall. How many of the 50 words on both Repeat and Hello
lists do you recall? Use the Delayed Recall sheet in your workbook to write down all the words