第121章 (第1/3页)
(See Kleinmutz, B., & Szucko, J. J. (1984). Lie detection in ancient and modern
times: A call for contemporary scientific study. American Psychologist, 39, 766776.)
The results of this study (and others mentioned in the article) might be contrasted with the conclusion
promoted on the TV program “Lie Detector,” hosted by lawyer F. Lee Bailey (1983-84 season). The promo for
the show said it “gets to the truth . . . The path of justice can make a bizarre turn, a path that perhaps can be
straightened out on . . .”
Long before the polygraph was put into practice, psychologists utilized other techniques for uncovering
what a person was trying to conceal. Freud used the technique of free association as a means of discovering
ideas that the patient had distorted through transformations of affect or attachment to other ideas or had
put out of awareness.
Reaction time has long been used as a measure of decision processes. An assumption of this technique is
that the more complex the decision, the longer cognitive processing takes. If the cognitive processing of
negation of a truth (lying about one’s known guilty acts) takes longer than affirmation, reaction time should
be useful in this detecting guilt task.
Finally, we express much about ourselves through our “body language”, the nonverbal, physical reactions
of our movements, gestures, and facial expressions. (See Mehrabian, A. (1972). Nonverbal Communication.
Chicago: Aldine-Atherton.)
A wonderful resource that should definitely be read before this demonstration is a theoretical and empirical
study by Bella De Paulo, Julie Stone, and G. Daniel Lassiter (1985), “Deceiving and detecting guilt.” In B. R.
Schlenker (Ed.), The Self in Social Life. New York: McGraw-Hill. The article deals with the informativeness of
verbal and nonverbal cues in the communication of deception, the role of motivation, gender, and actual
deception versus perceived deception, and many more fascinating issues for discussion. There is also an
ample bibliography of more than 100 references relevant to various aspect of this phenomenon.
In this demonstration, three measures of emotional disturbance will be us