第49章 (第1/3页)
Are they born to accept only adult ducks as parents? Scientists once
thought so until certain contrary observations led them to the concept of imprinting, a link between
instinct and learning. A good depiction of Lorenz’ theory.
Biofeedback: Medical Applications of Psycho-physiologic Self-Regulation (1987). Insight Media,
54 minutes
This program reviews treatment procedures from both the patient’s and the therapist’s
perspectives. It describes the rationale for the self-regulation process, presenting cases involving
self-regulation training for hypertension, migraine, chronic back pain, anxiety, and post-traumatic
Child Management (1986). Insight Media, 20 minutes
Offers ideas on managing children’s behavior using learning theory principles of reinforcement.
Clarifies the difference between punishment and discipline and explains when each is appropriate.
Presentation is done with humor and sensitivity. A good reinforcer for lectures on operant
A Conversation with B. F. Skinner (1972). (CRM) MCGH, 23 minutes
An interview conducted by Elizabeth Hall of Psychology Today. Skinner traces the origin and basic
principles of behaviorism, including his views on control, punishment, and freedom. He focuses on
the value of a culture designed by behaviorists, but also answers the typical criticisms, “Who will
keep the controllers honest?” and “What will happen to creativity in a culture controlled by
operant conditioning?” Skinner also discusses some of the problems of implementing behavior
modification systems. Skinner’s fascination (his for his science and ours for him) is timeless.
Learning (1990). Insight Media, 30 minutes
Explains the fundamental processes of classical and operant conditioning and includes
information on taste aversion. Includes an inter