第84章 (第1/3页)
James and Lange felt that the perception of a stimulus, such as a snarling bear, led to changes in the body.
These changes are then fed back to the brain, indicating a “changed state” and prompting a change in the
subjective experience of emotion. James and Lange felt that the perception of changes in bodily sensations
led to emotional experience. James and Lange would argue that you do not run because you are afraid of the
bear, but rather you are afraid because you run.
The Cannon–Bard Theory
The James–Lange model of emotional response was popular for quite some time, until W. B. Cannon came
along about 1930 and criticized the James–Lange model on different grounds:
1. Cannon felt that bodily changes that were supposed to provide feedback to the brain and thus
provide “emotional quality” to experiences could be eliminated without disturbing the emotions.
He proceeded to denervate cats so that no bodily change could occur. The cats still displayed
“normal” emotion (fear) in the presence of a barking dog.
2. Cannon noted that bodily changes that occur during varied emotional states are nearly the same,
regardless of the emotion felt. For example, in both fear and anger, heart rate and blood pressure
increase, eyes dilate, and hair stands erect. Similar cha